Thursday, August 4, 2016

 My Final Impression of Yale

Time flies. This is the sixth week, a week of parting, and also, a difficult goodbye time. There was the first, sudden realization that I had to leave, followed by the calm, objective realization that it’s time to leave. And then there was the peacefully packing my belongings, finishing my papers and exams, and hanging out with friends one more time.

Yale is diversified. As I explore deeper, I find out that every corner of the campus takes on a distinctive, unique look. Berkeley has the finest lawn, the large windows of its dining hall are large and clean, like diamonds, like crystal. When crossing the cross campus and entering North Berkeley, the old tire is still lying in the little pool on the grass, as if telling the old stories of the college. The cross campus is not only the place where I saw boys playing soccer, but also the place where the school provided a wonderful picnic for us, the way I must took every day I went to classes. At first I just appreciated the beauty of this campus, but now I feel warmth, I feel that I am a part of it.

Walking slowly past the Sterling Memorial Library, on the path with trees on both sides of it, it's as if can still see Marina Keegan still standing there, with her yellow coat and confident smile, “We are so young”, her words keep circling in my mind, I feel the opposite of loneliness, actually, in Yale. I can still remember the tour around Yale art gallery, where the guards would smile to us and always walk around, looking after the paintings and sculptures as if they were their babies. I was also lucky to experience one of the greenest halls in the world, the Koons Hall at Yale, where the instructor told us so much about recycling and clean energy, which is the field he himself is devoted to. I admire the guide interpreter who led us around Peabody Museum, he looked so knowledgeable and patiently taught us the revolution from dinosaurs to birds…In Yale, whatever you are interested in, you can find someone to work with, full of passion and focus. That’s what youth is about, that’s why we won’t feel lonely.
Now, as I am going to leave, I explore Yale again. The peaceful atmosphere, the neo-classic architecture, and the choir singing from the churches. “I will come back again”, I say to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all your thoughtful work this summer and I wish you all the best at Berkeley in the fall.
